4 Day 3 night Stay All Inclusive- $911.00 per person Superior Deluxe Ocean View With Balcony Triple Rate-$823.00 per person
5 Day 4 Night Stay All Inclusive- $1161 per person Superior Deluxe Ocean View With Balcony Triple Rate- $1044 per person Child Rate 43.00
*Please note that price is based on Double Occupancy. Deposit is nonrefundable
This Travel Reservation Form is a binding agreement between Jamm Services. Co. and any person(s) herein referred to as “Passenger”,
intending to travel with Jamm Services or designated tour operator. This Reservation Form constitutes an official Passenger registration for travel, and acceptance by some of the accompanying General Terms & Conditions. All information collected will be used or disclosed only for the purposes of planning your travel by Jamm Services Co. and its designated tour operators, travel insurance company and airlines.
IMPORTANT: All passengers must complete this form. If you have more than 2 passengers, please complete the form for each passenger
Room type are: Double | Triple | Single
Please note: Double room implies a room with 2 guests sharing a double or king bed, as available at the time of check-in. Triple room implies a room for 3-person occupancy and may include a double and twin. We cannot guarantee any specific bed type in advance. A single supplement applies when a single room is requested. A single room implies a room for 1 person occupancy.
January 14th, 2018
January 19th, 2018
February 21st, 2018
Donec congue lacinia dui, a porttitor lectus condimentum laoreet. Nunc eu ullamcorper orci. Quisque eget odio ac lectus vestibulum faucibus eget in metus. In pellentesque faucibus vestibulum. Nulla at nulla justo, eget luctus tortor. Nulla facilisi.
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Donec congue lacinia dui, a porttitor lectus condimentum laoreet. Nunc eu ullamcorper orci. Quisque eget odio ac lectus vestibulum faucibus eget in llentesque.
Salvation is a free gift of God. The death of Christ on the cross is the only sufficient payment for our sins. All have sinned, but all can be saved. This salvation is available for any who put their trust in Christ as Savior and follow Him as the only Lord. Romans 3:23, 6:23; John 3:16
Jonathan Tristan
Ryan Morris
James Linden
Dave Brown
Proin quis tortor orci. Etiam at risus et justo dignissim congue. Donec congue lacinia dui, a porttitor lectus condimentum laoreet. Nunc eu ullamcorper orci. Quisque eget odio ac lectus vestibulum faucibus eget in metus.